Bioenergy Balancing

Bioenergy Balancing is a powerful and exciting approach to healing. This profound process communicates directly with the body’s unconscious wisdom and energy, to unlock the doors that are blocking the health and well-being that is our ideal state. Most of the roots of dis-ease and imbalance in our lives can be traced to outdated emotional ties to the past, and Bioenergy Balancing is a process that allows us to discover and release those ties.

Bioenergy Balancing is a synthesis of Eastern and Western medicine, holistic health and nutrition, psychology and metaphysics. To understand the process, we begin with physics: physicists now know that the atoms that make up our bodies are actually more space and energy than physical substance. For true healing to occur, the energy that creates and organizes our physical bodies must be in balance. Our "bioenergy" (the Chinese call it "chi") flows through our bodies along pathways called meridians. This energy is profoundly influenced by our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and intentions.When we feel helpless or unable to fully experience an emotionally charged event, the unresolved feelings tend to get stuck, held in our bodies and in our energy field as we defend ourselves from emotional or physical pain. This causes a block in the flow of energy through the meridian system. Years later, we may still be holding that old defense, responding to similar events in an emotionally outdated way, and unknowingly creating physical, emotional and spiritual imbalance.

During Bioenergy Balancing, we follow the body’s lead to discover where and why the energy is stuck and out of balance. Your body usually seems delighted by this focus and attention, and is eager to join in the healing process. After combining your conscious and unconscious awareness to discover the origin of a particular block, lightly touching the meridian that holds the unresolved feeling usually allows it to release. Occasionally the body-consciousness may request additional nutritional support or detoxification. The main process, however, is one which works with the body's natural energy to release negative emotional patterns that compromise physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Bioenergy Balancing is a gentle process, and is compatible with psychotherapy, chiropractic and other forms of healing. In fact, such combinations can create a synergy that enhances and speeds the healing process.

Bioenergy Balancing was created by Priscilla Kapel, evolving out of her background and experience in bodywork, biochemistry, nutrition and metaphysics. I am a certified Bioenergy Balancing Practitioner, having completed a two year course of study, training and apprenticeship with Priscilla at the Balancing Center in Palo Alto. I bring to this work my experience as a Licensed Marriage, Family, Child Counselor; certified in Body-Centered Psychotherapy by the Hendricks' Institute; and a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants.

Although Bioenergy Balancing has been found to assist healing on many levels, it should not be used as a substitute for necessary or appropriate medical care.

Certified Bioenergy Balancing Practitioners can be found in a number of locations in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Palo Alto, Berkeley, San Francisco, Marin, and my own practice in Santa Rosa; also in Eugene, Oregon and Missoula, Montana.

For additional information, please contact The Bioenergy Balancing Center in Palo Alto, 650-327-8333. They would be happy to provide you with the location of the practitioner nearest you.

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